Your Brain on Video Games

This was very interesting and brought a lot of good points to my attention. 90% of school-age children do play video games. 70% of the heads of households mean age gamer is 33 years old. Doses of  playing video games can have positive outcomes on people. Action gamers vision is better than those of non action gamers. It is better in 2 ways, you can see more detail in clutterness and you can recognize different levels of gray. Bavelier show many examples of this one was color to word, multitasking, mental rotation task.



last lecture

Watching the last lecture was very interesting. He believes that family come first and that you need a lot of laughs to get through it. Randy Pausch has 10 tumors in his liver. “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand”. I agree with this 100%. When i was born i was diognosed with Bylers disease, my parents had taken me to multiple doctors until they found someone who knew what was wrong with me. Most of the doctors had told my family i was not going to live past one and look at me 19 years later. We all have to deal with things that are unpleasent or not fair but you just have to learn how to “play the hand” for say. Even though he is dying he is full of life and is not sitting in bed using his last months to be depressed. Throughout this video you see Randy cracking jokes and giggling. As well he talks about his childhood dreams and what each of those dreams taught him.

Puppy Mills No Go

A puppy mill in Warm Springs, Arkansas is being sued for abusing the puppies. 46 puppies were rescued from warm springs however, there are still puppies stuck in this mill. This puppy mill isn’t the only one hurting animals. Having worked in a animal clinic it hurts me to read about all these puppies not having a good and healthy home. Giving us “access to these records has enabled the public to learn about many animal-care violations including by puppy mills, roadside zoos and training barns engaged in cruel horse veterinary. It has also provided accountability for research facilities that violate the law, and allowed assessment of how many animals are used (often with taxpayer funding) for research that causes unrelieved pain to animals” said Karin Brulliard from Washington Post. I believe that facilities should be held accountable for how they are treating animals if its to a elephant to a tiny little puppy. A lot of people do not know what it like behind the scenes working at an veterinary hospital a lot of the nurses and doctors open my eyes to the real side of puppy mills.

effect media has on body image

Media has a major effect on everyone body image. Throughout everyone childhood we are constantly judge, women being judged if they are not skinny enough and men if they are not bulky or have muscle. Growing up women saw barbies as the ideal body size and men had GI Joe dolls. As well as dolls having a major effect tv and Facebook do as well. We look on television and see all these thin and muscular actors and we compare ourselves to them all the time. Media has a major effect on everyone and we shouldn’t let the media and the people around you put you down. LOVE YOUR BODY BECAUSE THATS THE BODY YOUR STUCK WITH!

Sexist dress codes


After being sent home from school, this teen shares her thoughts on sexist dress codes and female empowerment.

Posted by Upworthy on Monday, January 9, 2017

Going through my Facebook news feed i came across this video on dress codes. This teenage girl was sent home on the 6th day of school for wearing a strapless dress. She was told that boy are sent home all the time for stuff like this however they are not. When i was in middle school girls would constantly be question about the length of there shorts, at my school it was finger tip length. I am very short so i had the perks of being able to wear shorter shorts, however my best friend who is 5.9 could not wear shorts to school because her arm length went to the middle of her upper thigh and there were not shorts long enough in store for her to wear. This is unfair for a lot of students. As she says in this video the rational on why she had to change is because showing your shoulder is too distracting. I agree with her 100% i find that dress codes are unfair and should be not as strict at public and private schools.